Robot Dad: Character Designs - Dad


Still figuring out this sucker. The dad looks a little too handsome sometimes, but I'll figure him out eventually. 

Video 1: Movie Poster Design


A poster design for my Video project!
I'm not sure how I like the play on the title yet. 

Highschool: Cat got your... Lexus

Flash back: I completely forgot about these pictures my friend had on his webpage from Senior year. This was during the great car wars! Instead of shaving cream or toilet paper, I took a cleaner approach and taped a plethora of cat drawings to my friend's car in the middle of the night...


Robot Dad: Character Designs - Child 2


Still needs work, but at least she has some(what) stable form.
Children need to stop being hard to DRAWWFDSfdj!

Sidescroller: Run Cycle


I looked to a few run cycles from Sonic The Hedgehog and MegaMan to help me figure out Jethro's run. I hate admitting it, but he really looks a lot like Megaman. I'm hoping the color is dissuading!




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