Videogame Sidescroller: Final Result, BGs and Concept Art


It's not programmed to do anything else, but still... HE RUNS! And there's cool music from Sonic and Knuckles!! You can view the process from my run cycle in this entry

If I ever expanded this into a playable game,
it would be about a kid named Jethro fighting enemy cyborgs to... do something super noble and heroic! XD

Backgrounds/Sprite Sheet & More Sketches

Robot Dad: Storyboard Animatic

The animatic is finally done!

Character Design: Wasp Scientist


I'm designing a character for my storyboarding final and I wanted to draw a curvy lady like Mathieu Reynes and Shane Glines do! My story is based on this bizarre article...

I also watched Coffy in my History of Cinema class and I thought that Pam Grier would be awesome inspiration for my female lead. (She is the GODMOTHER of them all!)

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Designed with ♥ by Nudge Media Design